Editor: RapidAlbum is a plug-in for RapidWeaver that allows photo galleries to be quickly and easily assembled.
Images can be added to a RapidAlbum page by dragging in files from the Finder or from the RapidWeaver media browser panel. Or, if you prefer, RapidAlbum can track the Contents of a folder on disk and update accordingly. This can make creating large photo websites a lot faster than manually dragging in files.
If you've got a lot of images to display, RapidAlbum has the ability to construct hierarchical album pages, much like dedicated web gallery building tools like JAlbum.
RapidAlbum is geared towards using the metadata you have embedded in your files. If you export image from a DAM application (like Aperture, Lightroom, iView MediaPro, etc), you can make use of the metadata that is exported with those images to automatically build captions for the images. If the metadata isn't quite right, RapidAlbum has an editor to allow the imported information to be altered to suit. And, if you re-export images after making changes in your DAM application, RapidAlbum can re-import the new information from disk.